Mouth-watering websites for your business

I create websites like a chef creates delicious food. With careful crafting, attention to detail, and a dash of creativity
screenshot of website for a sushi restaurantscreenshot for a pub websitescreenshot for a steak house restaurant website  screenshot for a coffee shopscreenshot of website for a sushi restaurant

Curious about a class designer's process? It's simple

Intro chat

Everything starts with a brief talk. Book your 15 min free call and we will get to know each other, you will explain what you need and we take from there.

Totally async

Don't like meetings? I don't like them either; so much so that I've outlawed them completely after the intro call. This allows me to focus on the actual work that I will be doing for you.

Manage with Trello

Once you are onboarded, I will add you to a Trello board. It is there where you will manage the design work and add your feedback withe ease.

Recent work

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Full-stack web design service

Have your entire website design and development done by me


I have years of experience creating exceptional websites, delivering high-quality results that exceed my clients' expectations. Figma is my primary tool for design, and I am always happy to share early iterations as I work.


I work exclusively with Webflow to build high-quality designs and create user-friendly websites that function seamlessly. I can tailor your website to meet your specific needs and enhance your branding.
figma logowebflow logozapier logolottie file logogoogle sheets logo


Whether you have a short project oran ongoing demand, I’m here to help
À la carte
Ideal for companies that need a marketing site or landing page
From $3,000.00
$99/month after go live if I host your site (optional)
What's included
Web design and Figma file (5 page templates)
Webflow development (5 page templates)
2 rounds of changes per page
SEO setup
Support & training
Hosting and maintenance
Not available until September
Ideal for businesses that are constantly building new pages
$2,495.00 /month
Min. of 2 months. Pause anytime and pay only $99/month
What's included
Web design and Figma file
Webflow development
Unlimited pages
Unlimited changes
One request per day
SEO setup
Support & training
Hosting and maintenance


I just need a landing page. Can I do that using the subscription plan?

Yes, you can. When you subscribe to Buffet, you are signing up for a minimum two-month commitment with DesignFlavour. Together, we can really design a tasty landing page within that time.

Why wouldn't I just hire a full-time designer or an agency?

That's easy to answer. For starters, hiring a full-time senior designer who is also capable of building websites is not easy. They are a rare talent, and as with anything rare, they come at a high cost. Additionally, you may not always have enough work to keep them busy and to justify the hire. Regarding agencies, they typically have high overhead costs to cover, and based on my experience, they may charge you high rates even for relatively simple work.

Is there a limit to how many requests I can have on the subscription plan?

Once you have subscribed to the Buffet membership, you will be able to add one design request at a time for me to work on. There is no limit to the number of design requests you can add monthly.

How fast will I receive my designs?

The time it takes to complete a project can vary depending on the scope of work and the complexity of the design. During the onboarding process, we will discuss the timeline and set expectations for the project. Generally, we aim to deliver the first design wireframes and concepts within 1-2 weeks of the project start date, and then refine the design with feedback from the client. Once the design is finalised, we move on to development, which typically takes another 2-3 weeks.

Who are the designers and developers?

This might sound surprising, but DesignFlavour is actually a one-man agency. This means you’ll work directly with me, founder of DesignFlavour. I am a principal designer that also build interfaces using modern no-code tools like Webflow.

What programs do you design in?

All requests are designed in Figma. Figma is the state-of-the-art in user interface design and it enables DesignFlavour to share the work with clients very easily.

How will you develop my website?

I'll develop your website using Webflow, a powerful no-code tool that allows me to write code using a visual editor. Unlike popular template-based tools like Wix and Squarespace, Webflow enables me to build anything we can imagine, with a high level of customisation. It also offers a wide range of integration options with third-party systems.

How do I request designs?

Regardless the plan you chose, you will add your requests using Trello. Depending on the level of feedback, I encourage clients to share a Google Docs or even recording a brief Loom video. Anything that can be linked can then be shared in Trello.

What if I don't like the design?

In the rare event of clients not liking my high-quality designs, we go through 2 rounds of feedback. However, if you are subscribed to the Buffet plan, you can request as many design changes you want.

What if I only have a single request?

That's perfectly fine. Buffet members can pause their subscription when finished and return when they have additional design needs. There's no need to let the remainder of your subscription go to waste.